by Jane Friedmann
We had an awesome time celebrating and marching at the Vancouver Pride Parade this year. Representing our client Michelle Corfield and the Federal Liberals, we got to show our support for fair love, equality and marriage for all Canadians. PM Justin Trudeau was there, as well as fellow MP candidate Tamara Taggart and longest serving female Member of Parliament Hedy Fry. It was wonderful to see so many Liberal supporters and volunteers dancing in the streets, handing out fans and sunglasses, and showing their love for this important annual event. #VanPride #LoveisLove #MichelleCorfield #MakingItHappen
Liberal Member of Parliament Candidate fMichelle Corfield, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Jane Friedmann
Michelle marching
Michelle and Jane
Jane Friedmann and Tamara Taggart
Michelle and #TeamTrudeau volunteer