By Jane Friedmann
When the news reports mimic your ads you know you’re doing well. Timing Is an often overlooked component of good advertising but it can elevate your brand to the next level - people resonate with the truth. This week Jane AF and Queen B Driving School launched their second ad in the “Get Your Own License” series. The graphic features an illustration of Vancouverites pushing a stranded bus in the snow and the copy reads “ Got Somewhere to Be? Get Your Own License” Not two days after posting the ad, reality mimicked advertising and videos of Vancouverites knee-deep in snow pushing a bus up a hill were posted all over news sites and Twitter. “I couldn’t have timed it better myself” said Queen B Driving School Founder Livia Burch. “I honestly came up with that graphic as an exaggeration” added Creative Director Jane Friedmann.
All joking aside, Queen B’s modern instructional vehicles are equipped for the snow with important safety features like all wheel drive. “Driving in the snow can be tricky” says Burch “ that’s why it’s a core component of our lessons.”
Got somewhere to be this winter season? Check out Queen B’s website for pricing and booking information.
Posted on the news site Vancouver is Awesome
Vancouver is Awesome: Pedestrians struggle to push metro Vancouver bus in snow
Posted on our Instagram 2 days earlier!
QB Driving School Instagram Ad: Metro Vancouver residents struggle to push bus in snow