Having fun (these are spec ads).
Unemployment is Depressing. Spec magazine print ad for Monster.com Employment Listings
Ricola Spec campaign for Ricola Natural Herb Cough Drops.
Say Sorry Spielberg A PSA/Change.org Campaign encouraging Director Steven Spielberg to apologize to sharks for his role in ruining their reputation, with the movie Jaws. Copywriter: Jane Friedmann Art Directors: Kai Foo and Jabar Jung Singh
Silence is Silver. Spec ad for Bose noise cancelling headphones.
Don’t let sweat make you stiff. A print ad for Nivea Men’s Antiperspirant.
Words to live by for modern gentlemen. A Digital spec campaign for GQ Magazine.
The Studio.Parody Children’s art show.
Mannequin Magazine; A parody fashion magazine. Copywriter/Illustrator: Jane Friedmann
Collage imagery sourced from XOXO The Mag Issue 32; May 2013; P.126...After/Before