
Having fun (these are spec ads).

Unemployment is Depressing. Spec magazine print ad for Employment Listings

Unemployment is Depressing. Spec magazine print ad for Employment Listings

Ricola Spec campaign for Ricola Natural Herb Cough Drops.

Say Sorry Spielberg  A PSA/ Campaign encouraging Director Steven Spielberg to apologize to sharks for his role in ruining their reputation, with the movie Jaws.  Copywriter: Jane Friedmann Art Directors: Kai Foo and Jabar Jung Singh

Say Sorry Spielberg  A PSA/ Campaign encouraging Director Steven Spielberg to apologize to sharks for his role in ruining their reputation, with the movie Jaws. Copywriter: Jane Friedmann Art Directors: Kai Foo and Jabar Jung Singh

Silence is Silver. Spec ad for Bose noise cancelling headphones.

Silence is Silver. Spec ad for Bose noise cancelling headphones.

adBURPtising logo
Don’t let sweat make you stiff. A print ad for Nivea Men’s Antiperspirant.

Don’t let sweat make you stiff. A print ad for Nivea Men’s Antiperspirant.

Words to live by for modern gentlemen. A Digital spec campaign for GQ Magazine.

The Studio.Parody Children’s art show.

Mannequin Magazine; A parody fashion magazine. Copywriter/Illustrator: Jane Friedmann Collage imagery sourced from XOXO The Mag Issue 32; May 2013; P.126...After/Before

Mannequin Magazine; A parody fashion magazine. Copywriter/Illustrator: Jane Friedmann

Collage imagery sourced from XOXO The Mag Issue 32; May 2013; P.126...After/Before